Bourbon Sour

I’ve been making a lot of Old Fashioned cocktails lately and wanted to switch it up a bit – though honestly, I love an Old Fashioned and could stop there. BUT, even I would tire of reading about someone waxing poetic about the same drink week after week.

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I decided to try a bourbon sour. I prefer savory to sweet, sweet to sour. When I switch it up, I switch it up. Sometimes you have to move outside of your box. My Mother and a dear friend of mine love Amaretto Sours. They aren’t my cup of tea; but I decided to give a bourbon sour a twirl.

This is an easy cocktail to make – bourbon, lemon juice, sweetener and egg white. I wasn’t sure if I was going to use egg white, I get a bit leery with egg whites. But then I thought in for a penny, in for a pound and went with the egg white. Let me say, the egg white softens the lemon juice, so you get tart (sour) without feeling like you’re sucking a lemon directly chased by bourbon. The egg white also creates a nice foam, which is a hallmark of sours and let’s face it, it looks good in a glass.

Verdict: I like it. It may not be a go to cocktail; but I do like it.



~Kimberly Elise


Bittermilk Old Fashioned


Pollinators Old Fashioned